Tunnelkonfiguration anzeigen
Eine detaiilierte Übersicht über die Konfiguration eines auf einer Silver Peak WAN Optimierungsappliance eingerichteten Tunnels kann man sich auch auf der Shell anzeigen lassen. Ich persönlich finde diese Aufstellung praktischer als die im Webfrontend, da hier alle Informationen auf einen Blick ersichtlich sind.
silverpeak # sh tunnel configured
Tunnel end1-end2 configuration
Admin: down
Tunnel ID: 4
IPSec Enabled: no
IPSec Replay Window: 1024
Mode: udp
Local IP address: 172.17.306.2
Remote IP address:
MTU: 1500
GRE Protocol: 2048
Min BW(cfg/cur): 32 / 32
Max BW(cfg/est/cur): AUTO / NONE / 50000
System BW(loc/rem): 50000 / NONE
UDP Dest Port: 4163 UDP Num Flows: 256
TCP Options:
Window Scale factor: 6 Congestion Control: auto
Compression Options:
IPHdr Compr On: yes
RTPHdr Compr On: yes
Packet Options:
Coalescing On: yes Coalesce Wait: 0 ms
FEC On(cfg): disable FEC Ratio(cfg): 1:10
FEC On(cur): no FEC Ratio(cur): 1:10
Reorder Wait: 100 ms
CIFS Options:
Write Acceleration: yes
Interactive Accel: yes
SMB Sign Override: yes
Control Packets:
Health Retry Count: 30
DSCP Value: be
Route-map: None
Traffic Class:
ID Priority Min Bw Max Bw Weight
1 5 500000 1000000 1
2 10 1000000 1000000 1
3 10 1000000 1000000 1
4 10 1000000 1000000 1
5 10 1000000 1000000 1
6 10 1000000 1000000 1
7 10 1000000 1000000 1
8 10 1000000 1000000 1
9 10 1000000 1000000 1
10 10 1000000 1000000 1
Traffic Class Queue Max:
ID Packets Bytes Flow Pkts Flow Bytes Wait (ms)
1 2000 3000000 2000 3000000 500
2 2000 3000000 2000 3000000 500
3 2000 3000000 2000 3000000 500
4 2000 3000000 2000 3000000 500
5 2000 3000000 2000 3000000 500
6 2000 3000000 2000 3000000 500
7 2000 3000000 2000 3000000 500
8 2000 3000000 2000 3000000 500
9 2000 3000000 2000 3000000 500
10 2000 3000000 2000 3000000 500
Zu sehen ist hier die Definition eines Tunnels, der aktuell deaktiviert ist und im UDP Modus läuft. Sämtliche Parameter stehen auf Default- Werten.
Show detailled tunnel configuration
Using the shell to show detailled informations about the configuration of a tunnel, created on a Silver Peak WAN optimization appliance, has the advantage that all relevant informations are displayed at one view:
silverpeak # sh tunnel configured
Tunnel end1-end2 configuration
Admin: down
Tunnel ID: 4
IPSec Enabled: no
IPSec Replay Window: 1024
Mode: udp
Local IP address: 172.17.306.2
Remote IP address:
MTU: 1500
GRE Protocol: 2048
Min BW(cfg/cur): 32 / 32
Max BW(cfg/est/cur): AUTO / NONE / 50000
System BW(loc/rem): 50000 / NONE
UDP Dest Port: 4163 UDP Num Flows: 256
TCP Options:
Window Scale factor: 6 Congestion Control: auto
Compression Options:
IPHdr Compr On: yes
RTPHdr Compr On: yes
Packet Options:
Coalescing On: yes Coalesce Wait: 0 ms
FEC On(cfg): disable FEC Ratio(cfg): 1:10
FEC On(cur): no FEC Ratio(cur): 1:10
Reorder Wait: 100 ms
CIFS Options:
Write Acceleration: yes
Interactive Accel: yes
SMB Sign Override: yes
Control Packets:
Health Retry Count: 30
DSCP Value: be
Route-map: None
Traffic Class:
ID Priority Min Bw Max Bw Weight
1 5 500000 1000000 1
2 10 1000000 1000000 1
3 10 1000000 1000000 1
4 10 1000000 1000000 1
5 10 1000000 1000000 1
6 10 1000000 1000000 1
7 10 1000000 1000000 1
8 10 1000000 1000000 1
9 10 1000000 1000000 1
10 10 1000000 1000000 1
Traffic Class Queue Max:
ID Packets Bytes Flow Pkts Flow Bytes Wait (ms)
1 2000 3000000 2000 3000000 500
2 2000 3000000 2000 3000000 500
3 2000 3000000 2000 3000000 500
4 2000 3000000 2000 3000000 500
5 2000 3000000 2000 3000000 500
6 2000 3000000 2000 3000000 500
7 2000 3000000 2000 3000000 500
8 2000 3000000 2000 3000000 500
9 2000 3000000 2000 3000000 500
10 2000 3000000 2000 3000000 500
Here you can see the definition of a tunnel that is currently deactivated and running in UDP mode. All other values are set to their defaults.